
Leave benefits T.B. and Leprosy to employees suffering from cancer

Andhra Pradesh Leave Rules - Extension of Leave benefits available to employees sufferings from  T.B. and Leprosy to employees suffering from cancer etc., -  Orders - Issued. G.O.Ms.No,  188 ORDER Dated : 30-7-1973 According to Rule 29 (b) of Andhra Pradesh leave Rules a permanent Government servant in last grade service on half  pay leave for treatment of leprosy or  tuberculosis is entitled to leave salary equal to his pay for period of six months in all subject to the production of a certificate from a  Medical Officer in-charge of a recognised leprosy or tuberculosis treatment centre, of  his having undergone regular treatment during the period of such leave ; If however half pay leave on medical certificate is combined with earned leave, the total period during which leave salary equal to half pay  may be drawn should not exceed six months. 2. The Government have considered the extension of the provisions of rule 29 (b) of Andhra Pradesh Leave Rules to the employees suffering from cancer, mental illness etc., which also need similar costly and prolonged treatmment and have accordingly decided to extend  the benefit of full leave salary to the permanent employees of the last grade service suffering from cancer or mental illness subject to other conditions laid down in the above rule. 3. These orders are also applicable of the employees governed by the three sets of leave rules contained in Hyderabad Civil Services Rules -  Volume II. (BY ORDER IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)       N. RAMESAN SECRETARY   TO GOVERNMENT